
First Birthday

This year has traveled at warp speed. I can hardly believe you're one. You're such a big guy {literally! You're 28.5 pounds!} and you're a walking pro. We celebrated your birthday with cake - twice - because your grandparents were going to be out of town on your big day. It seems you enjoy frosting, but could probably live without the cake part! This begins a long line of homemade birthday cakes, which I will proudly make for your destruction. This year, I made a monkey in honor of one of your zillions of nicknames. You had such big feet at birth, and your toes resembled little fingers... As result, we compared them to monkey hands...and we've been calling you monkey ever since. Which you must like, since your first purposeful sound was imitating the "oooh, ooh, ahhh, ahh...." of a monkey!

Kenzie was so excited to celebrate your big day that she wanted to help in the cake ceremony. She made some cupcakes especially in your honor. Didn't she do a fabulous job??

You make us smile daily. You've completed our family and we can't imagine life without you. We love you Ry Baby!

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