This month marks your 16 month of life.
Mambo? You say? Over and over again? What does this mean? Your parents do not know. But, you consider the message very important. I hope we get it figured out before you stop saying it.
There are lots of things you do say which are very clear to us, however.
You've added the "Y" to Mommy & Daddy, and kitty, and doggie, and these seem to be your favorite words. "Mommy" actually seems to have many meanings, and isn't necessarily reserved for me. You point with earnest at whatever you want and inquire "mommy?" like it's a puzzle that only I can solve on your behalf.
You are fairly proficient on your body parts and especially like honking noses.
You've invented a game that results in you ignoring whomever asks for a kiss, hug, or high five. You immediately set out to kiss, hug, high five anyone else in the room EXCEPT for the person asking.
You LOVE books. You sign "more books" at the conclusion of most every one. You also like to sit and "read" them to yourself. Mumble, mumble style.
Finally, another favorite of yours is puzzles. You are getting very good at giving us the puzzle piece that we request ("give me the horse", "give me the kitty", etc.)
You're a very clever little dude and we're enjoying learning with you every day.
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